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Headshot Young Girl

Naohiko Saito


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Now, the issue for me is very significant for the society. It is the realization of "Proactive learning" and effective "Evaluation for each point of view". In this era of rapid change and social demand, a new GENERAL POLICIES REGARDING CURRICULUM FORMULATION has been created and put into operation. "proactive, interactive, and deep learning" is one of the key words. Until now, the main focus of Japanese education has been to enable everyone to do the same thing. It raised the level of education to a certain level and nurtured people who could work together in an orderly fashion. However, it was a teacher-driven education. Proactive learning," which is the future of learning, is important, but it is very different from the traditional style of education in Japan. It is said that the use of ICT is necessary to achieve this while utilizing the existing school facilities and systems. How can we realize proactive learning for students while retaining the advantages of conventional education? And how do we get teachers to understand the importance of this? Specific solutions and measurement of the effectiveness of trials are also needed. Furthermore, in conjunction with the new GENERAL POLICIES REGARDING CURRICULUM FORMULATION, an Evaluation for each point of view has also been initiated. The purpose of this evaluation for each point of view is to create better learning between teachers and students. In other words, it is more of an assessment than an evaluation." Proactive learning" is also included as an assessment item. How will it be assessed? How will rubrics and assessment criteria be created and presented? And these must be done to create better learning for teachers and students. This is the very challenge we are facing now. The use of Google and other ICT tools should help teachers and students.

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