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Headshot Young Girl

Vibha Puri


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The pandemic changed all our lives and sometimes, I wonder if we’ll ever be the same again. As I sat in the comfort of my home with a laptop in front of me, my heart went out to the ones who were struggling every moment of the day. The frontline workers who were working tirelessly to ensure everyone’s safety. The little ones who never saw the face of a school building and believe that the laptop screen is their school. The daily wage workers who lost all sources of their income and eventually ran out of their savings. The list just goes on. However, what struck me the most was the plight of our elderly. Being at a higher risk of contracting the virus, they could not even make their regular grocery runs easily. The technologically-handicapped lot of them struggled with placing online orders, consulting a doctor, sending out payments and lost contact with their social circle. I saw my own grandmother struggling with the same and as months passed, she became quiet and dejected. I discussed my situation with my colleagues as well as students and all of them seemed to be going through similar situations in their homes. All of us wanted to do something for those wonderful souls but we felt helpless. I want to find a way in which my students and I can assist the elderly as much as possible in making them more tech-friendly so that they don’t need to depend on anyone else for things ranging from ordering groceries to filing taxes.

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