My challenge is to change a Zero-risk bias into a challenging mindset in education, especially in Japan. This is important because they get scared of technology which is really new to them, and teachers cannot receive benefits of technology. I started my YouTube channel about how to use Google at school in April 2020 to help teachers in Japan. But some of them told me that they cannot use YouTube in their network or cannot download some data from other accounts outside of school accounts. The reason why this happens is that upper organizations, such as school committees in each school district, don't allow their school accounts to do it because they try to be perfectly safe with technology security, Zero-risk bias. This Zero-risk bias prevents us from changing old-fashioned school systems into new organized and productive systems. In Japan, we just started the GIGA School system, Global and Innovation Gateway for All, and schools in Japan have gotten Chromebook, iPad and so on. But because of the old-fashioned culture, some ICT teachers are really struggling with making a difference with these technologies even though ICT teachers are skilled and knowledgeable. Without Zero-risk bias, we can do more innovative challenges that create more engaging classes or seamless workflow. Even if we fail with these challenges, we definitely can learn something from it, which we cannot get without trying.